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Are You Prepared for a Cyber Attack?

Find Out How Vulnerable Your Business is to Cyber Attacks and Strengthen Your Defenses Accordingly with Threatcop Security Awareness Training (TSAT)

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Why Choose Threatcop Security Awareness Training?

With Threatcop's cyber attack simulation and security training solution, you’ll be able to enjoy the following benefits.

Unlimited AI Template Generation

Real-Time Employee Tracking for Analyzing Vulnerability Level

Unlimited Simulation Cycles on Individuals as well as Selected Groups of Employees

Employee Vulnerability Score Assigned to Each Employee

Determination of the Real-Time Phish Risk Rate of the Organization

Integrating Learning Management System with Engaging Awareness Content

How Does Threatcop’s Cyber Attack Simulation Work?

Why is Security Awareness Training Needed?

Cyber attacks are running rampant around the globe. No business, institution or individual is safe from this threat.


Data breaches are due to social engineering (GlobalSign)


Organizations experienced a successful phishing attack in 2021 (Foley and Lardner)


users are unable to recognize a sophisticated phishing email (Business Wire)

Importance and Benefits of Security Awareness Training

Social engineering attacks like phishing are becoming increasingly more complex and capable of evading traditional defenses. Hackers use customized social engineering tactics to deceive users and trick them into triggering data breaches, sharing sensitive information or paying fraud invoices.

The only way to prevent social engineering attacks once and for all is to provide employees with security awareness training. After all, employees can only be vigilant enough to detect and avoid cyber attack attempts when they know what to look out for.

But, how do you know whether the security awareness training is working or not? The answer is simple- cyber attack simulation! Just test how your employees respond to simulated cyber attacks to find out how much of their training they are taking in.


Secured 150+ enterprises and 700 SMEs


Reduced phish risk rate from 40% to 5%


Sent Threat Simulation Emails to 1.4 million employees


1. What is social engineering?

Social engineering is a form of cyber attacks where cybercriminals manipulate a user’s fear, desire, greed, or other emotions to trick them into triggering a data breach, sharing sensitive information, or making a fraud payment.

More often than not, social engineering attacks begin with emails. In these attacks, cybercriminals craft a compelling email, which is designed to trick users into surrendering unauthorized access to the network, giving up sensitive information or making a fraud transaction. In most cases, threat actors impersonate a trusted source to manipulate the victims into believing the email as authentic.

There are several measures you can take to prevent social engineering attacks. But the most effective means of combating this cyber threat is by spreading cybersecurity awareness amongst employees. As social engineering preys on human error, carelessness and lack of awareness, providing employees with security awareness training can go a long way in defeating this threat. It can make your employees vigilant enough to be able to identify and avoid attack attempts.

Security awareness training involves acquainting employees with the prevalent and emerging cyber threats and educating them about the basics of cybersecurity. This encourages them to follow the cybersecurity best practices and navigate the online world in a secure manner.

Cyber attack simulation is an essential part of security awareness training and one of the most effective means of equipping employees with the knowledge they need to detect and prevent attacks in the real world. In cyber attack simulation training, you can run dummy attack campaigns on your employees to test their response to a real-life attack. It will also enable you to assess just how much at risk your business is and which employees you need to focus on.

Some of the other major cyber threats include phishing, ransomware, BEC attacks, smishing, vishing, etc.

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